Neutral Air Partner has launched its new air cargo logistics ecosystem with six sub-industry networks during its annual OPENAP conference in Greece.
This year, NAP has reformed and strengthened its air cargo logistics platform, enabling members to network more efficiently with six sub-industry networks. The new structure provides air cargo logistics firms with the opportunity to apply for membership in a sub-industry network tailored to their specialization and the company's core industry sector activities. Membership in Neutral Air Partner is an exclusive privilege extended to a selected number of elite local and regional airfreight professionals. Selection criteria ensure only the most suitable partners with niche-specific expertise are part of the network.
“One of the main objectives of NAP has always been to revive specialization and inject a greater degree of advanced air cargo expertise into the logistics industry, and to drive airfreight and express buying power across the air cargo supply chain. Sub-industry expertise and vertical focus are critical for collaboration and professional advancement. During our conference, we presented our new membership structure with the slogan 'One air cargo logistics ecosystem | Six sub-industry networks “ aiming to enable our members to more efficiently network, interact, cooperate, and excel.” said NAP CEO Christos Spyrou.