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Lufthansa Cargo honors DHL Global Forwarding

At “Planet Award of Excellence” ceremony in Rome, the logistics company DHL Global Forwarding was honored as a top customer for 2023. Lufthansa Cargo thus recognizes the good and cooperative partnership with DHL Global Forwarding, especially in Asia and Europe.

Ashwin Bhat, CEO of Lufthansa Cargo, explained the decision in favor of DHL Global Forwarding at the presentation of the award: “With DHL Global Forwarding, we have an extremely cooperative and constructive partner at our side, with whom we have been working very professionally and trustingly at all levels for many years. In the Asia Pacific region and Europe in particular, we were able to achieve great success together last year.”

“We are delighted to receive this award and to be recognized for our excellent cooperation with Lufthansa Cargo,” said Max Sauberschwarz, Global Head of Air Freight at DHL Global Forwarding. Sauberschwarz is also confident about the partnership with the cargo airline for 2024: “This year, our focus is on strengthening our collaboration with Lufthansa Cargo in the areas of pharma logistics and time-critical services, particularly within our SameDay service offerings.”

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