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Showing 737-800BCF

AerCap Signs Lease Agreements With JD Airlines For Four 737-800BCF

AerCap Holdings N.V. has announced that it has signed leas...

Boeing and NAC sign a firm order for one Boeing 737-800BCF Freighter Conversion

Boeing and NAC have signed a contract for one 737-800 Boei...

Jettainer and WestJet Cargo continuing successful partnership

WestJet Cargo and Jettainer have agreed on a long-term ext...

WestJet Cargo and GTA Group inaugurated the launch of three 737-800BCF

WestJet Cargo and GTA Group inaugurated the launch of thre...

Lufthansa Cargo to use lightweight transport nets for freight pallets

Starting in January 2023, Lufthansa Cargo will use new, li...

Qatar Airways Cargo to use Gaussin’s zero-emission innovation

Gaussin and Qatar Airways Cargo has announced the successf...

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