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DHL Group to accelerate sustainable growth with new Strategy 2030

DHL Group introduces its strategic framework for the second half of the decade. With “Strategy 2030 – Accelerate Sustainable Growth” the company strives for 50% revenue growth by 2030 compared to 2023. DHL Group aims to unlock its full growth potential through divisional and Group growth initiatives. The Group’s business divisions will continue to focus on their profitable core businesses stimulating growth through service excellence. The company will accelerate sustainable growth through its Group growth initiatives focusing on structural tailwinds in fast-growing geographies and industry sectors, as well as the megatrend of e-commerce. DHL Group will also improve customer experience at digital touchpoints. With Strategy 2030, DHL Group is furthermore reinforcing its commitment to decarbonization and aims to align legal and management structures to ensure a lean divisional set-up.

“We are ideally positioned to seize growth opportunities in a rapidly changing world thanks to our well-balanced, diversified portfolio. We want to grow faster and more profitably while decarbonizing our business. We will fortify our market-leading position in global logistics with a strong focus on quality and on servicing the needs of fast-growing industry segments," said Tobias Meyer, CEO of DHL Group.

“Strategy 2025” navigated DHL Group through turbulent times

Over the past five years, "Strategy 2025 – Delivering Excellence in a Digital World" has effectively navigated DHL Group through global challenges including the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions. DHL Group achieved major advancements along the three proven bottom lines employer, provider, and investment of choice as well as in its ESG Roadmap goals introduced in 2021.

Accelerated growth from fast-growing industry sectors and geographies as well as e-commerce and digitalization

Life Sciences & Healthcare

DHL Group is strongly positioned to address structural shifts in the pharma market, which depends on specialized logistics solutions such as temperature-controlled frozen or cryogenic storage. The biopharma, cell & gene, and clinical trials market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of >10% p.a. between 2023 and 2030 and thus significantly above global GDP.

New Energy

The transformation of the renewable energy and auto-mobility sectors requires dedicated logistics solutions, e.g., handling windmill blades or battery energy storage systems. An expected CAGR of >15% p.a. between 2023 and 2030 offers DHL Group significant growth potential.

Geographic Tailwinds

DHL Group will build on its strong global footprint and local expertise to double down on geographic tailwinds. This addresses the profound shift in growth of trade lanes, diversification of global supply chains, and the needs of fast-growing companies around the world.


The megatrend e-commerce has been a steady growth driver for DHL Group in recent years. DHL Group will enhance its footprint in the e-commerce market by using the combined strength of its divisions for integrated offerings, such as combined fulfillment and last-mile delivery. The global e-commerce market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% p.a. until 2030.

Digital Sales

DHL Group expects digital sales capabilities to become a standard to gain and retain customers. Therefore, the Group will further expand its digital sales program to create enhanced online transactions for the customers across the Group.

Sustainability: Integration of “Green Logistics of Choice” into the Group’s strategic framework

As a global logistics company with the goal of decarbonizing its business by 2050, DHL Group integrates sustainability into its existing strategic “three bottom lines” framework as the fourth strategic bottom line named “Green Logistics of Choice”. The company aims to use its expertise to support customers in decarbonizing their supply chains, thereby gaining shares in this evolving market. Corresponding initiatives include strategic partnerships and intensifying decarbonization efforts to secure among other things a 30% blend of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) by 2030.

"We take pride in maintaining the largest fleet of electric vehicles in the logistics industry and in achieving the highest share of SAF among all airlines globally in 2023. Investing in low emission logistics, which anticipate future market demand, will materialize into a competitive advantage as these transport solutions are becoming increasingly important to our customers," said Tobias Meyer, CEO of DHL Group.

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